About Us

Since its inception in December 2012, MyReadingManga has stood as a distinctive online haven dedicated to the vibrant world of Japanese manga and doujinshi, exclusively curated for mature readers.

It’s crucial to make clear that MyReadingManga isn’t your typical scanlation group; we lack the authority to grant re-translation permissions. Our content is a collaborative effort, contributed by our dynamic community of users.

Let it be known that MyReadingManga doesn’t lay claim to the brilliance of works shared on our platform, and we certainly don’t tinker with original files. If you spot any gaps, such as missing credit pages, we extend a friendly invitation to reach out to us.

Here’s the twist—our site is all about delivering an immersive online reading experience; no downloads here. And, just to add a dash of uniqueness, our content serves a dual purpose: it’s not just for entertainment but also for information.

Now, here’s the cherry on top—we’re not just about consumption; we’re advocates for supporting creators. If a particular manga or doujinshi tickles your fancy, consider throwing some support the authors’ way—grab their physical or digital gems at DLsite, Comiket, or Renta.

When you step into the world of MyReadingManga through our website, you’re not just accessing content; you’re expressing your agreement with our Terms and Privacy Policy. And hey, let’s keep the conversation in the language of Shakespeare, shall we?